Jump Into Serving by Applying to Be a Germinate Conference Speaker

Germinate only exists because of AG TEACHERS like YOU who believe in sharing their expertise abundantly. And now we are ready to continue this tradition at the FIFTH Germinate Conference this July 7-11, 2021.

HERE ARE 3️⃣ ways to get involved with Germinate this summer.


Now you may be thinking…"what do I need to be a speaker?"

Here is the GERMINATE speaker check-list ✅

  1. To be a current agriculture teacher

  2. Have a heart for serving other teachers

  3. Tries new things

  4. Has an appetite for learning

  5. Believes true success is growth

Want to talk it out? Join us for the GERMINATE Speaker Interest meeting on Monday, March 8 at 8 p.m. EST (7 p.m. CST, 6 p.m MST, 5 p.m. PST). 

2️⃣ GERMINATE Conference INTERN applications open 🎉

Are you a pre-service teacher who wants to connect with agriculture teachers before becoming one yourself? You may be a good fit for the GERMINATE INTERN program.

Here is what a GERMINATE Intern needs to have to succeed...

1. Organization and strong communication skills are critical

2. An intrinsic motivation to improve will make the successful candidate(s) a compliment to the hardworking Green & Growing Education team. 

3. Must be proficient in INSTAGRAM (posts, stories, comments, hashtags) and FACEBOOK (groups, comments)

4. Must be a college student. 

3️⃣ GERMINATE Scholarship Application 🎉

Are you eager to gain quality professional development from fellow agriculture teachers? Is the department budget tight on your PD oppurtunities. Apply for a GERMINATE Scholarship TODAY!


Don't miss this opportunity to share, connect and grow with GERMINATE through the speaker, intern and scholarship programs!


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