How to Get Rid of Sucky Meetings

For over three years, Monday nights have meant G&G meeting nights.

If you’ve been around G&G for a while you know that the entire team works full-time in OTHER jobs. G&G is something we do on the side. So time is of the essence for our meetings.

We also have been exposed to meeting that have made up want to ripe our hair out.

Have you even been in a meeting (or lead a meeting *no judgement*) that

🤦🏿‍♀️Could have been an email
🤦🏽‍♂️Nothing got accomplished
🤦‍♀️Went longer than they told you
🤦🏻‍♂️You just got talked to the entire time

What kind of emotions does that spark for you?

Maybe you feel like it was a waste of time. Maybe you feel like your presence there wasn’t needed (and you could have used your time better elsewhere. Maybe you feel like those meetings are more like lectures of “do this” or “don’t do that”. Maybe you feel like the meetings aren’t actually deciding anything at all.

Well friends, there is a better way!

You can take charge of the meetings you lead with this simple meeting template.

Here is how to use it so you can have a smooth and effective meeting...

1️⃣ Consistency

Use the SAME template, SAME flow, SAME time, SAME length, every time. Consistency in meetings allows you to show respect to your team members and the real value is they will come ready and prepared for what will come during the meeting!

2️⃣ Decide

Have a section of the meeting to JUST DECIDE (preferably at the beginning). Making decisions takes energy and when you focus in on those decisions you will make them quicker and make sure you get the MOST important things done first.

3️⃣ Tackles

Take time to review every member of the teams tackles. Tackles are something that one team members has ownership over (ex. FFA Secretary's tackle are Meeting Minutes). Give them space to rank themselves and tell the group why. This allows you to see where they need support and you can cheer them on as they complete their tackles.

Take a chance and try it out. Serve your team members with consistency this week.


Your Fundraising Specialist Teacher


You have power in the very thing you are resisting