Investing in yourself: Your professional growth opportunity for 2023

Did you know it takes 5 years of watering the seed for a Chinese bamboo tree to germinate?

5 years of investment by the farmer to continually water, fertilize and tend for that seed. 

Time, commitment, dedication to growth. Knowing that the reward won't be coming for years.

Is it worth it to the farmer? They would say HECK YES. 

Because once that seed germinates the plant can grow 90 feet tall in just 6 weeks.

So my question to you is what are you doing to water, fertilize and tend for yourself?

Are you watering yourself with positive people, inputs (podcasts, musics, books), groups?

Are you fertilizing yourself by pursuing activities that accelerate your growth as an educator?

Are you tending to yourself by prioritizing rest and reflection?  

Now, I admit G&G cannot help you with all of those things. But if you are ready to fertilize yourself by committing to growth in your profession, we got just the right NPK for you!

So ask yourself...

Are you ready to grow?

Are you ready to get new innovative ideas?

Are you ready to reignite your passion?

Are you ready to invest your time?

Are you ready to jump into the green & growing community?

Are you ready?

BECAUSE WE ARE.REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR the Germinate Conference 2023!

Grab your fertilizer for you growth and register now. 

So, are you ready for it?


Ag Teachers summer schedule: Rest, reflect and ready!


Officer Team Training and Leadership Development