3 Ways to Manage Student Meltdowns

It's been a rough few days (or years).

Every year seems to be navigating the unknowns of what education will be like today. Because we are pretty sure it isn’t the same as yesterday and tomorrow will be different as well. 


It's been less than pretty. 


And for your students and possibly you from time to time you might have flipped your lid. 


And after attending Bri Guillory's Keynote at Germinate conference in Summer 2022, I can't unsee the visual that reminds you what is really going on when you flip your lid. 


It's this hand.


I can't get it out of my brain. Funny, as it represents the brain.


The hand on the RIGHT represents when all the parts of the brain are working in harmony. The "higher level" thinking of the cerebral cortex and the emotional part of the prefrontal cortex. 


The hand on the LEFT represents "flipping your lid." Get it?! It's like the brain is disconnected and the emotional center of the brain (that's where FLIGHT, FIGHT or FREEZE takes over) is now driving the car.


Logic can no longer influence behaviors.


I can hear myself saying things like, "let's be quiet other students are still working" or "I understand it’s hard to sit still but you need to while I am talking." All of which were lost as the logic parts of the brain are shut down. 


So, why is this all important to teachers?


Well, we've seen this happen. Probably more than once. And maybe it wasn't just with a student, maybe with another adult or even yourself. 


We have seen students who have experienced trauma in the past few years (maybe even more incidents than ever). 


We will continue to have moments as educators where we have someone flip their lid and we are there to help them find safety again. 


I am 100 percent not an expert, but want to pass along some resources to help you the next time you are presented with a situation like this.


1. Specialist Teacher for Classroom Management

Customized support from teachers who want to help! The Specialist Roster is your gateway to advice and resources that suit your specific needs. It’s a support system that will allow you to continue pursuing your career with vitality. And, yes there is someone who specializes in classroom management. Get in contact with Katie Green for help to handle a flipped lid!


2. Katie’s Takeaway Document

Need a quick resource? Katie has you covered. Specifically check out her resources for a trauma informed and mindfulness classroom.


3. Podcast

The G&G podcast provides weekly episodes to connect, educate and encourage Agriculture teachers across the country. We also suggest checking out the following podcast episode about classroom management strategies.


Episode 129: Non-Verbal Classroom Management

Episode 60: Surviving to Thriving in 3 Simple Steps with Briana Guillory


Dealing with all the world has thrown at us (and continues to) is a full-time job own its own. Adding in the complexities of a room full of teenagers and that volume of weight exponentially increases. When you find the time to lean into your learning about how to handle these flip your lid type scenarios you will feel more peaceful then next time they come around.


Do you have any other resources that you would recommend?


You have power in the very thing you are resisting


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