FREE Valentine's Day Class Activity: Downloadable Inside

Roses are red, violets are blue… but do you know WHY that is exactly? 🤔 

Holidays always allow for fun classroom activities and give your students the chance to do something that matches their energy versus forcing them to sit and listen to a 30 minute lesson when they’re hyped up on chocolate. 

I mean let’s face it - holidays as teachers can be challenging, but we must remember that it isn't our students' fault!

Kids are naturally excited about holidays (regardless of their age and regardless if it’s Valentine’s Day, Christmas or Groundhogs Day 😂), so instead of wasting your time and energy on trying to correct their behavior, you can lean into it by planning for fun activities that relate to the holiday at hand!

Valentine’s Day is always a fun one and no matter the age of kids, it always seems like everyone is celebrating.

Younger aged kids typically still trade Valentine cards, while older aged kids have true crushes and some schools allow them to send carnations. 

This activity goes hand in hand with flowers, so it creates the perfect opportunity for you to still teach something on this day while relating it back to what’s actually going on in their life!

For this Valentine’s Day activity, your students will research the phrases given and match the flower color to the meaning. 

For example, red means “I love you” and signifies courage, passion and respect. 🌹

To add an extra layer to this activity, you can have them work in groups, present their findings to the whole class and could even have real or fake flowers that they can leave with and give to someone.

It’s an easy activity that will keep them occupied despite their distractions on the holiday!

You can grab this activity for FREE by clicking HERE.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • The Green & Growing Fam 💚


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